Dachverband der Geowissenschaften

Willkommen auf der Webseite des Dachverbandes der Geowissenschaften e.V. (DVGeo)

Umbrella Organization of Geosciences in Germany (DVGeo)


DVGeo was founded in 2015 in Berlin by  the four biggest geoscientific societies: German Geological Society (DGGV), German Geophysical Society (DGG), German Mineralogical Society (DMG) and Palaeontological Society (PalGes). The Group of Clays and Clay Minerals (DTTG) and the Hydrogeological Section of DGGV (FH-DGGV), the Association of Professional Geoscientists in Germany (BDG) and the directors of the state geological services are associate members. DVGeo represents nearly 10.000 Geoscientists and is situated in Berlin. The umbrella organization has a  longterm and close cooperation with the major scientific societies in chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics


DVGeo aims at representing scientific topics to Society and Politics, transfering knowledge and promoting geoscience research. The DVGeo advises political decision-makers through statements and participation in hearings, for example on the Cultural Property Protection Act (2016) and the new Geodata Act (2019-2020).

In addition DVGeo organizes symposia for stakeholders, scientists and interested parties in Berlin. Topics are e.g. the search for a repository for highly radioactive waste, climate change und resources for the green transition.

In german schools, geoscientific content is taught via the school subject geography. In order to strengthen geosciences in schools, we offer support for teachers, for example by bundling geosciences teaching units (www.geowissenschaften-unterrichtsmaterial.de/) and offering online events for students.

Here you can find the current DVGeo board and spokespersons of our working groups.